Monday, July 22, 2013

Post Surgery

I think one of the hardest things about what my sister is going through is the constant ups and downs. Things change so quickly and you never know what the next thing will be or when it will happen.

So, they were able to do the surgery and things went smoothly. However, the hole was larger than they thought so in addition to his stomach and intestines going up into the diaphragm and chest cavity, his spleen and liver had also made their way up there. They stitched the hole up and put his organs down into his abdomen, but it did not all fit. His abdomen had not grown and it was swollen from the surgery, so they had to leave his intestines out. In a week, they are hoping there will be more room for the intestines after it stretches and inflamation goes down and there will be a second surgery.

There were no bleeding issues during and immediately after the surgery, but we have to remember they were never able to take Max off ECMO so he has continued on it, having the need to stay on blood thinners. Two days after the surgery his lungs stopped expanding and they were able to determine that his chest was bleeding more than they thought. Things did not look good. Last night the surgeons were able to get a new chest tube into Maxwell and suck some of the blood out. This improved his lung situation and he is heavily sedated. Our goal is to get Max off the ECMO.

Jessi and Josh are an inspiration to us all. Part of their status update when things left in the unknown -

"The doctors are doing all that can to find a solution. I feel peace right now through my Savior Jesus Christ. I'm not sure how this will turnout but I know it is up the Lord. I know he has a knowledge far beyond my own and trusting his judgement is the best thing Jessi and I can ever do."

They have shared time and time again their testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ and if you want to know more about their faith you can go to

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