Thursday, August 15, 2013

Update 8/14/13

Max had a difficult week with several clots in his neck and head which did not allow oxygen to get to his brain. They considered all options of surgery removing them or staying slow and steady with the medication. From the last post you will see they found new information out leading them to not go the surgery route because it was too risky in leading to death or severe brain damage.

His head remained swollen but after a few days the swelling began to go down. On August 13th they did a CT scan. It showed the dead tissue in his brain begin to repair itself, the clots in his brain getting a little smaller, and the clots in his neck not getting any worse. They also did an echocardiogram which was difficult to watch. Max was in severe pain as they had to push on his chest where he recently had surgery and it was difficult to watch him scream in pain, but hear nothing. The findings were not good, but were hoping it was due to him being so upset and decided to try again the next day while he was sedated. His ultrasound looked good with no new clots. His x-rays showed both lungs improving. When they did the echocardiogram yesterday it showed AMAZING improvement which we are so grateful for.

They fed him milk for the first time and he did great!They were worried about the chylo-thorax his chest is producing that milk may make it go up, but it actually decreased a little. He also had a bowel movement.

They are weaning him off morphine which has caused severe withdrawals, but began giving him methadone which is helping.

Despite what doctors had said in the past, we have seen miracles and they are now hopeful at this point. They say there is no longer a question of 'if' there is brain damage, but 'how much.' We are lucky Max has two great older brothers to interact with and learn from which doctors say will help in how well his brain functions.

Let's take all this great news and add to it by having a successful auction! Please see the baskets currently available above, thanks so much!

Taken August 11th

Taken August 12th
his swelling began to go down

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